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Amico Dance Academy

Complaints Policy & Procedure


At Amico Dance Academy we strive to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for all of our students. However, we understand there may be times when a student or their parent/guardian may have a complaint.


We take complaints seriously and aim to resolve them in a timely and fair manner​. This policy outlines the steps to follow if you have a complaint.


STEP 1: Informal Discussion

If you have a complaint, please first speak to either of us (Rachel or Sarah).


We will listen to your concerns and try to resolve the issue informally. We encourage open communication and believe that most issues can be resolved through a friendly and respectful conversation.


STEP 2: Formal Complaint

If the issue cannot be resolved through an informal discussion, you may submit a formal complaint in writing to us at


Please ensure you include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information

  • Student's name and class

  • Description of the complaint

  • Date and time of the incident

  • Any relevant supporting documents or evidence


STEP 3: Investigation and Resolution

Upon receiving a formal complaint, we will investigate the issue thoroughly. This may involve speaking to all parties involved and gathering any necessary information. We aim to resolve all complaints within 14 days of receiving the formal complaint.


STEP 4: Outcome

Once the investigation is complete, we will inform you of the outcome in writing.


If the complaint is found to be valid, we will take appropriate action to address the issue and prevent it from happening again. If the complaint is not found to be valid, we will explain our reasoning and offer any necessary support.


STEP 5: Appeal

If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you may appeal the decision by submitting a written request to us.


We will review the complaint and make a final decision within 14 days.



All complaints will be kept confidential and only shared with those who need to be involved in the resolution process. We respect the privacy of all parties involved and expect the same of our students and their families.


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